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Emmglo properties and roofing

Emmglo properties and roofing

Contact: 080600*** Show

Date Registered:Jan 08, 2020


About Me

Emmglo properties and roofing is a Real Estate brand name that specializes in Selling of Landed properties and Buildings in strategic Locations in any State in Nigeria

We are into roofing of Residendial and Commercial buildings with Aluminium and stone tiles to the best of your choice

We are into measuring, Estimating and Costing the proposed Roofing of any type of Building with "Stone Coated Tiles" Roofing materials as the Customers choice requires in association with *Megatech* Roofing Systems.

In some cases, "on demand,"alternative Roofs in Aluminum are part of our services.

Our Roofing services are not limited to the Enugu State but takes us anywhere in Nigeria.

Feel free to DM the Managing Director if you are interested in any of the numerous adverts thronging into the website to enable the him make every investigative research and confirmation for your security while you standby with your Legal counsel in the cause of the Transaction.

We are into Solar Energy installations to homes and Businesses too.

Remain blessed

From the office of the Managing Director

Listing Statistics

Rent Count
Sale Count
Shortlet Count

Property for Sale by Emmglo properties and roofing