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Gerrymandy Realtors Ltd

Gerrymandy Realtors Ltd

Contact: 091245*** Show

Date Registered:Apr 17, 2024


About Me

Experience Excellence and Integrity in Real Estate

Registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission under RC-6954728, GerryMandy Realtors Limited is a trusted real estate agency dedicated to delivering exceptional service and profitable real estate investments. With a specialization in property sales across major cities in Nigeria, we have helped countless clients achieve their real estate goals and maximize their returns.

At GerryMandy Realtors Limited, we are committed to providing top-notch service that exceeds our clients' expectations. With our extensive knowledge, competence, and commitment to honesty and fairness, we strive to better represent our clients and customers in every real estate transaction. Our team of professionals is dedicated to understanding your needs and ensuring your satisfaction.

Listing Statistics

Rent Count
Sale Count
Shortlet Count