ArticlesClient's diaryHOUSE STORIES

Impact of Accommodation & Transportation on Salary in Nigeria

I just got a job at Toyin Street, Ikeja Lagos. It was my first week at work and I was yet to get acquainted with the route to my house – I stay at Isolo. My first day at work was a Monday, I left with my male colleagues in the marketing department. On Tuesday, I left the office alone. I was happy to see two of my female colleagues outside the building trying to board a Maruwa ride.

On Monday, I had boarded a Maruwa heading towards Ikeja bridge to be precise and trekked further to get a vehicle going to Oshodi. On Tuesday, my female colleagues boarded a Maruwa going to New Garage, I was happier because I felt that the Maruwa was going closer Ikeja Along and that I won’t have to trek for a long time. Unknown to me, I was going to a wrong destination.

We  alighted at a Naco,I thought that was the last bus stop. I wasn’t familiar with the place, I was confused – so confused. I told my colleagues that I had lost my way. They assured me that was the best route. In a nutshell, I spent about N600 on transportation just to go back home that day. I regretted doing follow follow, I imagined what will happen if I spend  N600 to my place of work and N600 from my office to the house everyday, that would be N1200 and I would have no income because I would have spent all my salary on transportation.

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I know that staying at Ikeja would save me almost all my income because I won’t be spending so much on transportation. I will love to get an apartment at Ikeja via, an online housing company I got to know about lately. I will also employ the services of move me to pack my things to my new apartment (when I get one).

If wishes were horses beggars would ride, but greatness starts with a thought. One day I will afford an apartment at Ikeja, my income would be six to seven digits in a week, but now I have learned not to do follow follow again so that I would have better savings instead of spending all my income on transportation.

 From the heart of a genuine Lagosian


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