
Important Sales Tips for Selling an Old Home

Do you have an old house that you are looking to sell but having trouble doing so? Or are you unsure of how to persuade potential buyers to purchase an old house? Even though the house needs work and you don’t have the money to do it, you still need to sell it for a profit. There are some important sales tips for selling an old home that we can offer you. 

Due to the fact that the economy has changed and the real estate market in Nigeria is currently saturated, new strategies are essential.

Both consumer behaviour and the way people make decisions have evolved. In order to adapt to these changes and maintain the rate of sales in the real estate market, real-estate agents and companies must review their strategy.


Pricing And Real Estate Listing

The value of an older property listing depends on enticing language and decent prices. Highlight the good things about the house, but avoid using “weasel words,” which could give the wrong impression.

Buyers now understand that “cozy” denotes a small, worn-out home, “vintage” implies an old, out-of-date property, and “large” size rooms are typically normal.

“Lots of potential” indicates that the home requires extensive renovations, however “updated” means that there have been some recent improvements.

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Pricing is essential for a swift sale. Buyers will be disturbed if a house is priced abnormally cheap. A home’s asking price should not discourage prospective customers.

Market Its Unique Features

The fact that an older home’s architecture deviates from popular trends is one of its selling points. These kinds of properties captivate buyers because of their distinctiveness and unique qualities.

Better still if your home has historical significance, such as being the residence of a famous person, being linked to an important occasion, or displaying certain architectural or building methods.

Old Home Features
Unique Features

Highlight The Space You Get For The Money

Older homes may have more square footage than new homes, making them more appealing to homebuyers. If you have a balcony or garden, you should advertise that as usable space. A breathtaking view from the living room, perhaps? or a lovely tree with many stories attached?

Ask buyers, “Does the house check off more boxes than it doesn’t?” if they are unable to see the possibilities because they have their minds made up on specific things.

Older homes frequently have “strong bones,” but they simply need some tweaking.

Prove You’ve Kept Up With The Maintenance.

Every buyer wants to be sure they won’t be trapped with a mountain of maintenance work, and with an older house, that is a major worry.

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Buyers of old houses would like to know the following: 

  • The state of the foundation.
  • The age and condition of the roof.
  • How old the plumbing is.
  • If the wiring/electricity needs updating

Quality Photographs

Buyers are drawn in by attractive photos of the home’s inside and outside. If only outside images are displayed, purchasers will have the wrong perception of the interior. Include the backyard and any features, if applicable.

Open the curtains and drapes inside to let in more light.  Ensure to include pictures of every room, because buyers will be confused if they can’t find pictures of rooms as mentioned in the listing.

Sell The Experience 

Encourage consumers to make well-informed choices by educating them on the pros and cons of the space even before they go ahead with their purchase. People want to know the future even before it occurs, and this is what you can provide. Tell the story and show it. They’ll desire that experience, and it will encourage them to buy the house. 

Let’s hear your views. What fast-selling sales tips for selling an old home would you adopt for selling an old home?



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