Client's diaryHOUSE STORIES



I read about Suraju’s story and decided to share mine as well. My wife is awesome, beautiful and intelligent but she hated her English teacher while she was in school. This is the reason why she refused to learn how to use present and past tense. The issue at hand is how we were able to secure a house after 3 months. My wife Rose made this difficult and easy at the same time.
Prior to this time, I had always told my wife that we would not leave our present home until we had built ours. I have met mad and inconsiderate men, but my landlord has no competition. After we moved in 2 years ago, he bought two new cars. He instructed all the tenants not to park more than one car in the compound. That way, he could park 4 cars, while his tenants sort themselves out. 2 weeks ago, Rose came in screaming my car is stole! James my car is stole!. We’ve been married for 5 years, I understood what she meant instantly. I went with her to the spot where she had parked the car. We asked around but no one had answers. I was about to talk to my wife whom I believed was right beside me, but she was no where to be found. I rushed back inside the compound, the landlord’s flat was the first place I checked. On my way up the stairs, I heard rose raining insult on the landlord. You is a wicked man!, my God will punished you!… it took all the strength in me to get her back to our apartment.
Finding a new apartment became our priority
Rose was depressed the whole week,we filed a report at the police station and hoped for the best. On our way home, we saw a flier with an agent’s details. I called him as soon as we got home. I told the agent that we needed a decent 3 bedroom  flat with ample parking space. I also informed him about our budget which was 1m, Rose came in from the kitchen to remind me that… ”the parking space was very important, nobody is stolen my car again”! The agent promised to get back to me as soon as he had something. My daughter got back from school later that evening, and she asked about her mother’s car;
”We report at the Police station, we awaited their reply soon”
 ”Mum you should say reported and await oooo”
I watched as Rose answered her ”What kind of school taughts a nine year old to talk back at her mother? Will you go in and change”
The agent called me on Friday asking if I will be available for inspection on Saturday morning, we agreed to meet at  E-center at Yaba by 11am. I was at the property by 11.20am with Rose,  as soon as Rose entered the compound, I was unable to make comments. ”What was this rubbish you have brought us to saw? Does my husband not tell you that parking space was important?” The agent replied, It is a close and as you can see most of the tenants park outside. The environment is secured as well.
”I can not saw anything. Was that why the kitchen was not spacious? I can’t stands conveniently with my daughter in that kitchen. You should improved your tactics in this business. Found out what your client needs. After all, the customer was always right. Good day”.
After the incidence with the agent, he stopped taking my calls. He was just incompetent, he should be planning on getting us what we wanted,  Instead he was getting angry, said Rose. I narrated my experience to some of my colleagues at work. They all had stories to tell about their encounter with street agents. One of them said he still preferred street agents though, real estate agencies have unnecessary protocol. I Learnt the truth the hard way. He gave me a number to call, I later found out that the agent is his brother. I called the agent the next morning, and he had this to say;
”I have a lots of clients, and most times they likes the same things. In my business it is first pays, and be served. I works with a lots of property agency and they let me access their property when I likes, but you needs to pay a registration fees of 5,000.”
He directed me to a site where different vendors could advertise their products. There were few properties to choose from, but they were exquisite and cheap!When the devil wants to punish you, every thing sounds right to you.  I explained everything to Rose, but she suggested that we see the house first before payment. He called it registration fee, first pays, and be served, I explained. What kind of grammar is that? Asked Rose. I paid the money in on Friday morning, and the agent’s number was unreachable throughout that day!.I didn’t panic at first, it’s probably a network issue. I became furious when I still could not reach him on Sunday.
When I got to the office on Monday, I narrated my encounter to my colleague. He looked embarrassed and disappointed as well, ”I thought he had changed, I saw him the other day, with a couple who were house hunting, that was when he told me, ”I am now an agent”. I am so sorry, I don’t have his contact details. I had not seen him for 6 years before now, explained my colleague.  How do I tell Rose that I paid N5000  for looking at pictures?My book on common errors in grammar will be completed today.
See also  Why Water is a Key Factor in Renting an Apartment in Nigeria

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