9 Most Common Living Room Decorating Blunders!

A living room should be a place to entertain guests, as well as lovely space where you can relax, put your feet up and unwind.

Creating a comfortable and stylish space doesn’t have to be a daunting or expensive task. Just knowing right from wrong can transform a cramped up space into one that is organized, tranquil and stylish.


Here are our nine most common decorating mistakes to avoid, and the best ideas for styling your living room, big or small.

1. Over furnishing

Although it is only right for your furniture to fill your space, your furniture should also create a space that is both appealing as well as functional.

Overly furnished living rooms not only make your room seem smaller than it is, they also make it hard to maneuver around. There should be enough space in your living room to make for easy movement and flow. Your living room should never look and feel cramped. If it does, try moving pieces around the room. If after moving a piece or two around, your space still feels tight, then remove a piece altogether. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes. Consider sofas and chairs with slim line arms, particularly for smaller spaces.

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A wrong placement of furniture can also make your living room seem cramped up. For instance, pushing furniture up against all the walls of a room actually, makes it look smaller rather than larger. Give the room breathing space by pulling the furniture away from the walls. What you really want to do is to push your furniture together and create an intimate setting that is conducive to good conversation.

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2. Improper Fit

Like trying to squeeze yourself into a pair of jeans that are too small, your furniture must also fit.
Furniture that is too small will make your room seem unbalanced and awkward. At the same time, a living room whose furniture is too large will also feel unbalanced and cramped. Ensure you purchase furniture that fits with your living room space.

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3. Clutter-Bug

Less is more in terms of decorating and furniture. In any well decorated space, there is always a sense of flow, movement and balance. With too much clutter comes too much distractions and distortion which often leads to an unrelaxing feel. Clutter can be easily taken care of by simply taking a look at what you have and dividing them into three categories:
i. The things that matter
ii. The things that are important
iii. Those things that you can do without.

Remove all that you can do without. If necessary repeat until you feel you have successfully de-cluttered. Keep in mind that more in this respect is not merrier. There is no need to showcase all your belongings in one space.

4. Let There Be Light

Good lighting is very important as it is one of the essential elements of design. Your space should have as much natural lighting as possible. Do not block natural light sources with heavy or poorly placed curtains and accessories.

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You can also enhance natural light with great placement of mirrors to allow light fill up your living room spaced.

Having a good overhead lighting works wonders too.

You should have more than one source illuminating your living room (nice antique lamps are a perfect go to) Your lighting should be bright enough to function under but not so bright that it is almost blinding.

5. No Budget

Don’t be too eager, don’t buy too much, don’t buy everything all at once and most importantly don’t overspend. Buy the best you can afford today not what you think you will be able to afford tomorrow.

Make a budget and stick to it. You don’t have to have everything all at once. A well-decorated space is one that is curated over time so it’s best to go and build slowly.

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6. Your Windows

Hanging curtain rods too low is a very common mistake.

Curtain rods should be hung as close to the ceiling as possible to create a sense of height and larger space. Rods that are hung too low make a ceiling feel lower and can make a room feel a lot smaller than it is.

7. No Focal Point

You need to find that one thing that you want people to take notice of when they step into your living room. It should be something large and bold that makes a statement. Go for something like a large piece of artwork, an art gallery or a statement mirror. Your room will look well thought out, organized and balanced. It is possible to have more than one focal point depending on how large your living room space is.

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8. No Color

Many living rooms lack color, especially in regards to artwork, rugs, and cushions. Bright pieces add life to a room. You can start small by adding pops of color to your living room by using colorful throw pillows.

9. Bad Rugging

While rugs are a must for a stylish living room, they should match the size and style of your living room space. Small rugs imbalance the room, so go for a rug that is so big that the front feet of all your living room furniture can be placed on it. This provides balance and creates zones for your room, and will also make it feel larger.

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