4 Top Tips To Sell Your House Faster


After one of the prayer meetings I attended in church, I overheard a woman telling the pastor that she needed prayers to bind the powers that have not allowed her get a tenant to one her properties for a long time. Then, I wondered if the pastor was going to tell her the truth of the matter or just try to please her. This got me thinking about the reason many find it hard to get buyers for their commercial properties.

It is very easy to get a buyer for your property and the following are some simple steps you can follow which will help you to sell your house faster.


 Find the right agent

Should you pick a high street estate agent or an online service? Should you go for a big name, national company or are you better to go with a local independent agent? The main thing is to do your research. Which estate agents have sold properties nearby recently? How quickly did the properties sell? Did they achieve a good price? You also need a real estate agent with relevant experience and experience is not measured by years as a real estate agent, it is measured by the number of transactions completed each year. All of this information can be gathered online by visiting this link.

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 Price it right and be flexible

Home sellers like to get excited about national headlines that refer to rising house prices, but it’s important to not get carried away by national stories and look at your local property market. Speak to a few different agents to get an idea of what your property might be worth, and also do your own online research for property listing. The price your estate agent suggests putting your house on the market for will not necessarily be the price they expect your property to achieve, so it’s important to ask your agent what figure is realistic in terms of what people would go for.


 Present it well


It might sound obvious, but it’s important that your property is presented well if you want to achieve a quick house sale. Make sure you finish off any DIY (do-it-yourself) jobs and paint the walls new if they’re looking old. Make sure the front of the property is well presented and gives the right impressions of the property; keep any front lawn area neat and tidy and optimise any parking facilities, or if you’re aiming at young professionals make sure your property looks smart yet easy to maintain.

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 Make it vacant

Start packing because you are getting ready to move. Remove all your family pictures from your home. Go through each room and remove as much as you can and still live in the home. Your home will feel much larger with minimal furniture in each room. Pack your clothes that you are not using. This makes your closets seem larger.Hope you found this useful?

Also, read 5 Guides To Listing Your Property Online.



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