Federal Government Signs Grant Agreements to Power 5 Million Homes in 2021

This disclosure was made by Ahmad Salihijo, the current Managing Director of the Rural Electrification Agency

The Rural Electrification Agency, under the aegis of the federal government, has signed grant agreements with two mini-grid developers under the Mini-Grid Performance-Based Grant (PBG) to electrify 4 communities.

This disclosure was made by Ahmad Salihijo, the current Managing Director of the Rural Electrification Agency, in a statement issued to the public via his official Twitter account.

The statement partly reads:

This afternoon, two mini-grid developers were signed up under the Mini-Grid Performance-Based Grant (PBG), under the World Bank and African Development Bank, funded Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP)The plan is to continue to leverage these renewable energy technologies to power communities, under the Nigeria Electrification Project Mini-Grid Component. Today, we signed on Nayo Tropical Technology Ltd and Darway Coast. Using the PBG, these two developers will electrify 4 communities.”

We kicked off a new week with the signing of grant agreements.

This afternoon, two mini-grid developers were signed up under the Mini-Grid Performance Based Grant (PBG), under the @WorldBank and @AfDB_Group funded Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP). pic.twitter.com/T5gCBw7CRd

— Ahmad Salihijo (@modisalihijo) November 2, 2020

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