Shendam is a Local Government Area (LGA) in Plateau State, Nigeria. It was created in 1996 and is located in the southern part of the state. Here are some key facts about Shendam Local Government Area:

Location: Shendam LGA is located in the southern part of Plateau State, bordered to the north by Qua’an Pan LGA, to the south by Langtang North LGA, to the east by Mikang LGA, and to the west by Mangu LGA.

Population: According to the 2006 census, Shendam LGA has a population of 231,419 people. The majority of the population are farmers and engage in subsistence farming.

Languages: The people of Shendam LGA speak various languages, including Tarok, Jukun, Hausa, and English.

Education: Shendam LGA has several primary and secondary schools, including Government Secondary School Shendam, Government Girls Secondary School Shendam, and ECWA Secondary School Shendam.

Tourist Attractions: Shendam LGA is home to several tourist attractions, including the Shere Hills, which provide a scenic view of the surrounding area. Other notable attractions include the Njuwa Lake, the Kufang Lake, and the Kurra Falls.

Economy: Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy in Shendam LGA, with the cultivation of crops such as yam, maize, guinea corn, beans, and potatoes. The LGA is also known for its production of cattle, sheep, and goats.

Religion: The majority of the people in Shendam LGA are Christians, although there is a significant Muslim population as well.

Culture: The people of Shendam LGA have a rich cultural heritage, which is expressed through their traditional dances, attire, and festivals. One of the most popular festivals celebrated in the area is the Nzem Berom Festival, which is held annually to celebrate the culture and traditions of the Berom people.

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